Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT)

Treating varicose veins by the laser technique

This is one of the most common treatment performed for varicose veins. Laser treatment is near identical for the patient to RFA treatment. It has been used to treat varicose veins for over 20 years.

It is performed at the clinic with local anaesthetic, so you are awake. Using a needle, a wire is placed inside your leg vein. Then the laser machine is used to heat the vein to seal it shut. It takes approximately one hour for the whole procedure. You will be placed in stockings and asked to walk around straight after the procedure. When comfortable, usually 20 minutes later, you can go home. Depending on the type of work you do, you might be able to work the following day. Heavy manual workers may need up to a week off work.

Using ultrasound the laser is placed in the varicose vein
Using ultrasound the laser is placed in the varicose vein
Laser is turned on and removed sealing the vein
Laser is turned on and removed sealing the vein
Laser treatment has the following benefits:

However, it does have some limitations. It is less effective if you have very large veins. Also, if you have very tortuous (wriggly) veins or previous clots then it may not be possible to perform the procedure effectively.